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Localizarea în PHP

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Localizarea in PHP
// This function return the preffered language based on browser settings and user choise saved in a cookie
function loc($iso = FALSE) {
  $accepted = Array('ro', 'en');
  $ISO = Array('ro' => 'ro_RO', 'en' => 'en_US');
  if (in_array($_COOKIE['language'], $accepted)) $x = $_COOKIE['language'];
  else {
    $temp = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
    foreach($temp as $val) if (in_array(substr($val, 0, 2), $accepted)) $x = substr($val, 0, 2);  
  if (in_array($x, $accepted)) $x = $accepted[0];
  if ($iso) return $ISO[$x];
  else return $x;

* Function: __x (String, Hash)
* Returns: String
* A kind of sprintf function using locale that allows the translator to change the order of parameters
* Example :
* $array = Array(
*   'cols' => 10,
*   'rows' => 12,
* );
* echo __x('In this table we have [_COLS] columns and [_ROWS] rows', $array); //-> In this tab;e we have 10 columns and 12 rows

function __x($str, $arr) {
  return preg_replace("/\[\_(.+?)\]/e","\$arr{strtolower(\"\$1\")}", _($str));

* Function: __nx (String, String, Int)
* Returns: String
* Plural locale function. It receives 2 strings and returns the one appropriate for the value of integer
* Example :
* echo __nx("I have one apple", "I have [X] apples", 1); //-> I have one apple
* echo __nx("I have one apple", "I have [X] apples", 6); //-> I have 6 apples

function __nx($str1, $str2, $nr) {
  if ($nr == 1) return str_replace('[X]', $nr, _($str1));
  else return str_replace('[X]', $nr, _($str2));

setlocale(LC_ALL, loc(TRUE));      // setlocale requires ISO format (en_US, fr_FR) - it doesn't work with simple codes

bindtextdomain('orgdomain', 'locale');
bind_textdomain_codeset("orgdomain","UTF-8");  // don't forget it !!!

# localized script

string _( string msgid1);              // alias for gettext
string gettext( string msgid1); 
string ngettext ( string msgid1, string msgid2, int n)