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There are 132 polls and 1918 votes given by 123 different people.
The last vote has been given 0 day ago.
During the last 48 hours, 0 votes have been given.


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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 14:51.
poll-id E467161A5D8FB6ABEC0FD1A41A90E5E0

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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 15:40.
poll-id 780AD18E480A6F6E745F5C8EC0A8A2E5

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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 15:40.
poll-id 53D00AADF1316AABD06E65CBC23290BF

test poll?
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There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 15:40.
poll-id 9BE4AFF1DC8A9405C1A5C4EE4A964601

test poll?
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There were 3 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 15:40.
poll-id 9BE4AFF1DC8A9405C1A5C4EE4A964601


Nu aveți drept de vot.
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There were 0 votes since the poll was created on 1 iulie 2013 15:40.
poll-id B806DBE1F7DE9ED54230EE1BFD76F668


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