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Contribuții utilizator
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+3.193) . . N Ajutor:What is context sensitive help? (What is context sensitive help?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.941) . . N Ajutor:What is gardening? (What is gardening?)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+3.975) . . N :Chemical equation (Chemical equation) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+6.533) . . N :Chemical formula (Chemical formula) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+5.599) . . N Ajutor:What can I specify in Property Properties? (What can I specify in Property Properties?)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+3.487) . . N Ajutor:What does the Combined search show? (What does the Combined search show?)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+3.841) . . N Ajutor:What does the consistency checker do? (What does the consistency checker do?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.105) . . N Ajutor:What does the undefined entities bot do? (What does the undefined entities bot do?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.406) . . N Ajutor:What is a syntax highlighting editor? (What is a syntax highlighting editor?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.188) . . N Ajutor:What are sub- and super properties? (What are sub- and super properties?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+12.492) . . N Ajutor:What can I do in the semantic toolbar? (What can I do in the semantic toolbar?)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+6.568) . . N Ajutor:What can I do with the ontology browser? (What can I do with the ontology browser?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+7.676) . . N Ajutor:What can i do with the query interface? (What can i do with the query interface?)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.398) . . N Ajutor:How can I define a set of allowed values? (How can I define a set of allowed values?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.679) . . N Ajutor:How can I define sub- and super properties? (How can I define sub- and super properties?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.221) . . N Ajutor:How can I express that something is a part of something else? (How can I express that something is a part of something else?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.041) . . N Ajutor:How can i find close matches? (How can i find close matches?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.479) . . N Ajutor:How can I identify entities that could be unified? (How can I identify entities that could be unified?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.633) . . N Ajutor:How can I modify the annotation of a property? (How can I modify the annotation of a property?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.629) . . N Ajutor:How can i relate my type to the correct SI unit? (How can i relate my type to the correct SI unit?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.700) . . N Ajutor:How can i use autocompletion? (How can i use autocompletion?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.742) . . N Ajutor:How do I annotate a property? (How do I annotate a property?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+678) . . N Ajutor:How do I ask for specific properties of an object in the wiki? (How do I ask for specific properties of an object in the wiki?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.877) . . N Ajutor:How do I update annotations from changed templates? (How do I update annotations from changed templates?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.890) . . N Ajutor:How should I annotate the essence of an article? (How should I annotate the essence of an article?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+1.750) . . N Ajutor:What are domains and ranges? (What are domains and ranges?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+3.063) . . N Ajutor:How can I create a new property? (How can I create a new property?) (actuală)
- 15 noiembrie 2007 02:25 (dif | ist) . . (+2.551) . . N Ajutor:How can I create hierarchies of categories? (How can I create hierarchies of categories?) (actuală)